14. BST Practice

BST Practice


Now try implementing a BST on your own. You'll use the same Node class as before:

class Node(object):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value
        self.left = None
        self.right = None

This time, you'll implement search() and insert(). You should rewrite search() and not use your code from the last exercise so it takes advantage of BST properties. Feel free to make any helper functions you feel like you need, including the print_tree() function from earlier for debugging. You can assume that two nodes with the same value won't be inserted into the tree.

Beware of all the complications discussed in the videos!

Start Quiz:

class Node(object):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value
        self.left = None
        self.right = None

class BST(object):
    def __init__(self, root):
        self.root = Node(root)

    def insert(self, new_val):

    def search(self, find_val):
        return False
# Set up tree
tree = BST(4)

# Insert elements

# Check search
# Should be True
print tree.search(4)
# Should be False
print tree.search(6)

Below is a sample solution. There are a number of different solutions, so don't fret if yours isn't exactly the same!

class BST(object):
    def __init__(self, root):
        self.root = Node(root)

    def insert(self, new_val):
        self.insert_helper(self.root, new_val)

    def insert_helper(self, current, new_val):
        if current.value < new_val:
            if current.right:
                self.insert_helper(current.right, new_val)
                current.right = Node(new_val)
            if current.left:
                self.insert_helper(current.left, new_val)
                current.left = Node(new_val)

    def search(self, find_val):
        return self.search_helper(self.root, find_val)

    def search_helper(self, current, find_val):
        if current:
            if current.value == find_val:
                return True
            elif current.value < find_val:
                return self.search_helper(current.right, find_val)
                return self.search_helper(current.left, find_val)
        return False